Life Of The (Cancelled) Halloween Party

Partner's family planned a "costumes mandatory" Halloween party this year, then canceled it last minute, without even really telling everyone. We had initially struggled to find a costume for Partner, but ultimately found one that is just absolutely fantastic. I'm a little sad we haven't gotten to use it yet, but it will definitely be used next year, at the latest. 

We had invited my cousins that live within driving distance, as well as one of my favorite people, D and her new-ish partner, M, who I was extremely excited to meet. M's first language is Spanish, so he would've felt right at home in our trilingual family gathering. 

Halloween night, a Thursday this year, turned out really great, anyway. Partner and I scheduled entirely too many medical things this past week, and were basically both running on limited duty type functionality, and our roommate LB was out of town, on top of it, so we were just figuring it out. 

We ran a few easier errands during the day, and Partner made us steaks, baked potatoes and corn on the cob for dinner- it was so good! We handed out candy, and one of the dogs was able to come sit outside with us for some parts of that. She did an excellent job, and we took her next door so the teenagers could give her some extra attention at the end of the night. 

After we ran out of candy, I was relaxing in the living room, and I got a text from D asking if we still had candy. I replied that, for her, I would dig into my own personal stash. She immediately said 'we're here' and I ran (maybe not literally- I can't recall the last time I could run) outside like an excited kid. 

D had brought her partner over to meet us. M is very sweet and authentic and I absolutely adore him. They spent two or so hours here with us talking and playing with the dogs, and I loved every minute of it. 


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