Life And Leaning In
My father-in-law asked us to go to a local reservation's annual powwow, and I'm so glad he did.
I wore orange to pay tribute to the survivors and victims of the residential schools, but I was surprised to find that I was the only one. My partner told me afterwards he'd overheard a few compliments about it- and maybe he's lying and being nice, but my hearing sucks, so it's more than possible.
It was kind of fun getting to help FIL understand what he was seeing at different booths, since his vision is mostly gone these days. His lack of filter got a few laughs out of me, but he's doing much better about letting people know he's not being rude, he's just trying to see them. There was one woman with beautiful neon red hair that he was staring at from maybe three feet away. He hadn't said anything to her, so I laughed and asked him "you can see her hair, can't you?" And he was so excited, he said "YES! IT'S AWESOME!" and she realized what was happening and laughed. It was so cute, honestly. I swear his blind cane is saving him from a lot of confrontations, but the crowd today definitely had a mellow vibe, and I was so grateful.
It was also very nice for my usual long skirts to not have me feeling out of place. It was strange, in a good way, to feel like I was just a face in the crowd for a change.
I bought myself some beautiful, long, hand beaded earrings. Partner and FIL went halvesies to get me a really cool t-shirt, and partner found me a great sticker. We ate raspas and talked to a ton of people. One gentleman was surprised when I read the word Diné (the endonym for the people of the Navajo Nation) aloud correctly, and I was pretty proud of that.
FIL asked me a few times to take pictures of him with people in their jingle dresses and traditional garb, so I quickly got into the habit of reminding him to ask permission. Towards the end, there was a beautiful teenage girl in her jingle dress who he wanted a picture with. As I took the pictures, an older man walked yo and asked if I could take his picture with her, as well, and, without thinking, I just said "Sure, if she gives you consent" and she thanked me for that afterwards. It's such a little thing, but she was already so young and in a public place like that, I'm glad I could make her day a little better or easier, at least.
We're still preparing for our friends' wedding. It's going to be small and informal, but I've been reaching out often to see if there's any issues I can help solve, and she has yet to be without one. They've done so much for us, and I'm really intentionally leaning into this connection with them currently. I adore them both (and their kids, who have always called me some variation of their Auntie). I'm very grateful for them.
We also have a family Halloween party coming up, and, for the second year in a row, I've invited a few people I would be excited to have come. For the first year ever, the people I've invited includes my amazing cousins and their people. I have no idea if they'll be able to make it, but even just one of that group showing up would have me absolutely thrilled. My friend D and her new (but serious) boyfriend M are most likely coming, which is gonna bring such a cool and interesting balance to the three languages spoken among the family, honestly. I strongly suspect partner's grandmother would immediately adopt those two. They're lovely, and such a sweet couple.
Unfortunately, soon-to-be-married couple have other plans that night, but they've been looking forward to it for a long time, so I hope they have a blast.
Today's been amazing, and I'm very grateful for it all.
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